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Nordic Visits to Hohen Viecheln, Mecklenburg

  • Written by Erik Brinch Petersen
  • Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum
  • volume: 10
  • 1. Auflage
  • 29,7 x 21,5 cm
  • 408 pp.
  • Release date: 31.03.2020
  • doi 10.23797/9783529018619-5

The series ›Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum‹ is edited by the Museum für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf and by the Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie.

chapter 5 (pp. 179–192)

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Articlenumber: 978-3-529-01861-9

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Open Access:

chapter 1 (pp. 15–111)

Re-evaluation of the site Hohen Viecheln 1

chapter 2 (pp. 113–126)

Radiocarbon dating bone and antler artefacts from Mesolithic Hohen Viecheln (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany)

chapter 3 (pp. 127–162)

The osseous technology of Hohen Viecheln: A Maglemosian idiosyncrasy?

chapter 4 (pp. 163–177)

An evaluation of the antler headdress evidence from Hohen Viecheln

chapter 6 (pp. 193–201)

The Mesolithic bone industries of northeast Germany and their geo-archaeological background

chapter 7 (pp. 203–238)

Early Mesolithic bone points from Schleswig-Holstein

chapter 8 (pp. 239–254)

Early Mesolithic hunting strategies for red deer, roe deer and wild boar at Friesack 4, a three-stage Preboreal and Boreal site in northern Germany

chapter 9 (pp. 255–262)

Lost at the bottom of the lake. Early and Middle Mesolithic leister points found in the bog Rönneholms Mosse, southern Sweden

chapter 10 (pp. 263–287)

Points of bone and antler from the Late Mesolithic settlement in Motala, eastern central Sweden

chapter 11 (pp. 289–303)

The Early Mesolithic fisheries of southern Scandinavia

chapter 12 (pp. 305–318)

The Early Mesolithic bone and antler industry in Latvia, eastern Baltic

chapter 13 (pp. 319–339)

Early Mesolithic barbed bone points in the Volga-Oka interfluve

chapter 14 (pp. 341–365)

Bone and antler projectile points from the Meso-Neolithic site Zamostje 2, Moscow region, Russia

chapter 15 (pp. 367–382)

Early Mesolithic bone projectile points of the Urals

chapter 16 (pp. 383–404)

Hunting beneath the waves. Bone and antler points from North Sea Doggerland off the Dutch coast

chapter 17 (pp. 419–432)

Understanding the bone and antler assemblages from Star Carr

chapter 18 (pp. 405–418)

Excavations at Star Carr: past and present

Open Access


Two decorated bone tools from the Maglemose site of Hohen Viecheln, Mecklenburg, Germany, are discussed,
as their ornamentation finds their closest counterparts in decorated tools from Zealand, Denmark. A personal
tool kit, consisting of artefacts with the same decoration, motives, composition, style and fabrication, will be
defined here in order to ‘follow’ this style across the landscape. I will also argue that the two decorated mattock
heads found at Hohen Viecheln are indications of human movements from Zealand to Mecklenburg, crossing
the supposed ‘border’ between a Northern and a Southern Maglemose.

Brinch Petersen, E.: Nordic Visits to Hohen Viecheln, Mecklenburg, in: Gross et al. (edd.), Working at The Sharp End at Hohen Viecheln, Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum, Vol. 10, pp. 179–192, DOI: 10.23797/9783529018619-5.